
Build Relationships, Change Lives

2025-2026 Dates coming soon!

CityReach is an overnight urban outreach program begun in March 1996 for youth (with accompanying adults), young adults, and college students from churches of any denomination. The program gives these young people the opportunity to learn first hand about homelessness from people who have experienced it. During the 20 hour session, participants join CityReach staff in street ministry and offer hospitality, food and clothing. This is followed by times of sharing and reflection.

The program starts on Friday evening and ends on the following Saturday afternoon. Participants arrive at 7 p.m. Friday night, and are addressed by staff who are experiencing, or have experienced, homelessness. They walk through the city guided by members of common cathedral and end the evening with a simple worship service. Participants sleep at a local church. On Saturday morning participants offer clothing that they have collected and a simple meal to unhoused guests who come to "shop" for clothing from among the donated items. Participants form teams for street outreach, taking sandwiches and clothes to people at South Station, Copley Square, Boston's waterfront and other sites. All then eat lunch and reflect together about their experiences in light of the Gospel, write a prayer, and talk about next steps for them personally and/or as a group. Housed participants prepare to present their experiences to their home congregations.

CityReach, offered up to 8 times per academic year, is recommended for participants 14 years of age and older.  For more information please read our informational packet or email

2024 - 2025 Dates

  • November 15th-16th, 2024

  • December 6th-7th, 2024

    2025 Dates

  • January 10th-11th, 2025

  • March 21st - 22nd, 2025 - SOLD OUT!

  • April 11th-12th, 2025 - SOLD OUT!

Contact Lucio at if you have any questions.

Reactions from CityReach participants

“The organization of City Reach was quite impressive and the greatest part of it was the connections that were fostered and encouraged between the staff of City Reach and our teens. The realities of homelessness, the challenges, the perils were openly shared and along with the catch 22s of a system that strives to support, yet has not quite gotten it right. Will it ever be right? Probably not, but we can make steps and choices to support those who are homeless.”

—J. Scarano, adult participant

“We got to meet many amazing people, learn about chronic homelessness and work together as a group to provide support, clothing and food. We connected with many individuals who are homeless and learned first-hand about the challenges they face every day. I learned a lot and felt angry & sad about the situation these individuals are in but I also feel inspired and will look at homelessness and the needs differently going forward.”

J. Smagula, student participant

Additional Resources